The Migrant, Vol 5 Issue 1 (March 1934)

Journal: Tennessee Ornithological Society/The Migrant
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Year: 1934


Records of Birds at Athens, Tenn.. 1
H. P. Ijams and L.A. Hofferbert
A Woodcock’s Nest . 4
Cynthia C. Counce
Derivations of Ornithological Nomenclature . 5
Bruce P. Tyler
Annual Christmas Census, 1933 . 8
T.O.S. Members
The Round Table: The Season at Memphis; Swainson’s Warbler in Tennessee; Tree Sparrows Again Recorded at Nashville; Another White Snowbird; A Night in a Starling Roost; The Anti-Crow Campaign; Additions to the List of Winter Birds of Northeast Tennessee; Radnor Lake Notes; Winter Notes, Nashville; New Birds for the Tennessee List; Meetings; Editorial. 10
