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If you’re in the area you’re invited to join the Nashville Chapter of TOS for our annual Wednesday morning Fall Bird Walks…

You don’t have to be a member…but we’d love it if you’d join…

This is for all levels of birders and is a great way to meet other like-minded folks.

We begin each walk at 7:30 in the west Parking lot of Radnor Lake State Park near the kiosk to the right of the Visitor’s Center.  We take the same route each week…up the paved road, across the spillway and up the trail to Long Bridge where the walk officially ends.  An NTOS representative will act as host and keep the cumulative list of birds seen and heard.  It will be posted to the TOS listserv later that day.  Feel free to keep your own list as well but be sure to shout out the birds you see or hear for our list.

We hope to see you on one of these long standing walks…

For more information contact NTOS President Cyndi Routledge – routledges@bellsouth.net

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