Action Alerts
Call for Agenda Items for the FAll BOD Meeting on Saturday, September 28th…
TOS President Michael Collins is requesting any items you would like placed on the agenda for the Fall TOS BOD Meeting be sent to him by Friday, August 30th.
Please send to putting ‘agenda item for Fall TOS meeting’ in the subject line.
Thank you…
Colonial Waterbird Survey – We need your help!
David Hanni and Intern Maddy are collecting informaiton on their ongoing Colonial Waterbird Study. If you know of an active Rookery in Tennessee, please send the latitude and longitude of said location to David at TWRA. His address is
The more eyes out there looking the more information we can gather.
Thank you!!
ACTION ALERTS…your attention is needed ASAP
Two bills of critical interest have been introduced in the US House of Representatives…
First – The Federal Safe Building Act of 2023 (HR 3781) was introduced in June months prior to the mass killing of migratory birds in Chicago. This Act would permanently reduce bird deaths for a minimal cost. The only member of the Tennessee delegation to sign on is Representative Steve Cohen. Please write, email or call YOUR US House Representative and ask them to sign-on to the Bill.
Second – The Migratory Birds of The America’s Conservation Enhancement Act of 2023 (HR 4389). This Act would fund and extend the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act for 5 years. NO member of the Tennessee delegation has yet signed to co-sponsor this Bill
All details about both can be found at: The American Bird Conservancy –
PLEASE ACT TODAY…it’ll only take a few minutes but could potentially save thousands of birds.
Thank you.
Find a Chapter Near You
The American Bird Conservancy (ABC) is an excellent source of information about things members can do to help birds. ABC builds on sound science, and works in partnership to achieve conservation results for birds and their habitats throughout the Americas.
Members can go here for information on:
- Threats. For instance, window collisions, feral cats, pesticides, wind turbines
- Habitat protection, be they wetlands, forests, grasslands, or coastal
- Endangered and threatened species
- Living a “bird-friendly” life
- Unifying conservation and bird-watching groups through the Bird Conservation Alliance