8 events found.
Field Trip to McDonald Farm
Kevin Calhoun will lead a trip to McDonald Farm. Meet [...]
MTOS Field Trip to Rodney Baber Park
Join Ryan Pudwell to see displaying American Woodcocks at Rodney [...]
The Great Backyard Bird Count will take place on February [...]
Memphis TOS Monthly Meeting
St. George’s Episcopal Church 425 South Germantown Road, Germantown, TN, United StatesYou’re invited to join the Memphis chapter for its monthly [...]
MTOS Field Trip to Shelby Farms Park
Shelby Farms Park Shelby Farms Disc Golf Course, Cordova, TN, United StatesJoin Memphis TOS for a field trip to one of [...]
Monthly Meeting & Program
"The Hummingbirds of Ecuador" presented by Cyndi Routledge. The program [...]
Elizabethton Club — Monthly Meeting
The program and venue for the Month business meeting will [...]
NTOS Field Trip March 29th – Henry Horton State Park
Com join us in exploring a lesser known and under-birded [...]