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We will explore the fields and woods of Bells Bend Park in the hopes of locating not only all of the breeding birds found here (which include bobwhite, buntings, orioles, chat, yellowthroat, Prairie and Blue-winged Warblers, and in the last few years, Dickcissel), but also some of the later migrating warblers, flycatchers, and grassland birds such as Bobolink that should be moving through during this time.  In order to maximize the number of birds seen and take advantage of cooler morning temps, we’ll plan on an early start and cover at least 3 to 4 miles, meaning this walk will be on the slightly more intense side.  We will meet at the visitor center at 6:00am.  Waterproof footwear and bug spray are highly recommended.

For additional information on any field trips, please email ms722@bellsouth.net

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