About Us –
The Highland Rim Chapter of the TOS was organized on January 29, 1974 in Manchester. Sanford McGee, then a biology teacher at Central High School, had called the meeting. At the meeting he; Ken Dubke, Tennessee Ornithological Society Treasurer; and Tony Koella, Assistant State Commissioner of Conservation, encouraged local residents and residents of nearby counties to organize a club.
Mr. McGee pointed out that the area was a good area for bird watching and nature study, and that the nearest groups with these interests were in Murfreesboro and Chattanooga. The club began with fifteen members representing three counties.
Over the years membership has grown and remains between 25 and 30 members. At present Bedford, Coffee, Franklin, Grundy, Lincoln, Moore, and Warren Counties are represented.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. during the months September through May. An August picnic begins the program year. Annual dues are $23.00 for an individual and $27.00 for a family (includes $18 TOS dues).
Activities include 10 meetings with programs, and 12-14 field trips that include the hawk watch, roadside raptor survey, Christmas count, eagle count, spring count, and fall bird count. Club members contribute to the community by speaking to civic groups and to school classes on matters of wildlife and habitat conservation.

Annual dues are $23.00 for an individual and $27.00 for a family (includes $18 TOS dues).
Highland Rim Chapter