The Migrant, Vol 9 Issue 2 (June 1938)

Journal: Tennessee Ornithological Society/The Migrant
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Year: 1938


Prothonotary Warblers Make News . 21
Eldon Roark
The Black Vulture in Rutherford County . 23
H.O. Todd, Jr.
A Back Yard Theatre . 24
Jamie Ross Tippens
Birds in Flight . 26
Benj. R. Warriner
The New Constitution (of the T.O.S.) . 27
Geo. R. Mayfield
The Round Table: The season at Memphis; The season at Clarksville; Notes from the Nashville area; The Spotted Sandpiper; Mixed flocks; Corinth chat; A Screech Owl fisherman; a Starling roost; Bibliography for 1937; Meetings and field days . 28
Membership Roll . 35
