The Migrant, Vol 7 Issue 1 (March 1936)
Journal: Tennessee Ornithological Society/The Migrant
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Year: 1936
Something about Birds Nests and Eggs. 1
Dr. H.S. Vaughn
Bird Banding Brevities, No. 8. 4
Amelia R. Laskey
A Feathered Sportsman (Duckhawk). 5
Wm. M. Walker, Jr.
Arrival of Spring Migrants at Nashville. 6
Albert F. Ganier
The History of a Martin Box. 8
Jamie Ross Tippens
Some Observations at a Feeding Station. 10
Cynthia C. Counce
Annual Christmas Census, 1935 (from 11 localities). 10
T.O.S. Members
Some New Birds for the Tennessee List. 17
compiled by the Editor
Bibliography for 1936 of papers pertaining to Tennessee birds. 18
The Round Table: The Season at Memphis; Saw-whet Owl at Memphis; Winter Visitors; Additional notes on the migration of October 23; Notes from Clarksville; Tree Sparrow at Corinth, Miss.; The northern range of the Tufted Titmouse; A Mockingbird’s warm roost; Northern Horned Larks in Tennessee; Ruffed Grouse in Putnam Co.; Cardinal chronicles; Two seasons with a pair of Prothonotary Warblers; Blue Goose in Spring; The Season st Knoxville; A Florida Crane at Chattanooga; Screech Owl kills a pigeon; Eagles released in The Smokies; Additions to winter birds of northeast Tennessee; Miscellaneous notes and news. 18