The Migrant, Vol 7 Issue 3 (September 1936)

Journal: Tennessee Ornithological Society/The Migrant
Volume: 7
Issue: 3
Year: 1936


August Notes Along The Cumberland. 53
Alfred Clebsch, Sr.
The Appeal of Bird Study. 55
Benjamin R. Warriner
Some Hot Weather Observations. 56
Jamie Ross Tippens
Six September in The Smokies. 57
Franklin McCamey
Bird Banding Brevities, No. 9. 59
Amelia R. Laskey
A Bird Symphony (in the Great Smokies). 60
Mrs. Austin Peay
August Waterbirds at Mud Lake. 61
Ben B. Coffey
The Round Table: The Season at Memphis; Henslow’s Sparrow near Memphis; Notes from Clarksville; Birds hung by hairs and strings; Summer notes, Nashville; Great Blue Herons nesting at Muscle Shoals; The Cowbird in near Murfreesboro; Notes from Winchester and Mingo Swamp; Additional Cliff Swallow colonies; The Season at Norris; Olivesided Flycatchers (records); He called for a camera; Miscellaneous notes and news. 68
