The Migrant, Vol 9 Issue 3 (September 1938)

Journal: Tennessee Ornithological Society/The Migrant
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Year: 1938


Some June Birds of the Great Smokies . 42
Albert F. Ganier and Alfred Clebsch
Summer Resident Lists (21 lists, from all sections) . 46
T.O.S. Members
Rambling with the Birds . 52
Cynthia C. Counce
Bird Banding Started at Clarksville . 53
Mrs. John Y. Hutchison
Illustrations from the T.O.S. Great Smokies Trip . 55
Blackbird Banding in the Mid-South – I . 59
Ben B. Coffey, Jr.
The Season: Memphis, Corinth, Nashville, Clarksville, Knoxville, and Johnson City .The Round Table: Laughing Gull at Reelfoot Lake; Black-bellied Plover at Mud Lake (Memphis); Early Marsh Hawk record; Notes from Paris; Notes from Murfreesboro; Summer bird-life of a Mt. Pleasant farm; Some unusually large broods and scarcity late nests; Notes from Knoxville; Meeting; Editorial page . 68
Recoveries of Banded Blackbirds, mimeographed maps . 73
