TOS Annual SPRING Meeting – Knoxville – April 26-28th
TOS Spring Meeting April 26-28, 2024 Join us in Knoxville for the TOS Spring Meeting April 26-28, 2024. Great birding, great people, great part of the state, what’s not to like? We’ll have a Friday evening reception, field trips Saturday and Sunday mornings (and possibly a Saturday afternoon outing), Board of Directors Meeting Saturday afternoon, and a banquet and plenary speaker on Saturday evening. Saturday’s business meeting, dinner, and speaker will be on the grounds of the historic Ramsay House ( in east Knoxville. We will only be able to accommodate 70 people for the dinner and speaker program on [...]
ACTION ALERTS…your attention is needed ASAP
Two bills of critical interest have been introduced in the US House of Representatives... First - The Federal Safe Building Act of 2023 (HR 3781) was introduced in June months prior to the mass killing of migratory birds in Chicago. This Act would permanently reduce bird deaths for a minimal cost. The only member of the Tennessee delegation to sign on is Representative Steve Cohen. Please write, email or call YOUR US House Representative and ask them to sign-on to the Bill. Second - The Migratory Birds of The America's Conservation Enhancement Act of 2023 (HR 4389). This Act would [...]
Fall Meeting 2023
Please join the Chattanooga Chapter of TOS for our annual Fall Meeting on October 13-15, 2023 in Chattanooga. Deadline for registration is September 1st so please don’t delay! Hotel rooms fill up quickly as well so get yours reserved while they last. Field trips information will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead. TOS FALL STATE MEETING IN CHATTANOOGA Registration Form We look forward to seeing YOU in Chattanooga this fall!
FALL Meeting will be hosted by THE CHATTANOOGA CHAPTER…
The TOS Fall Meeting will be held in Chattanooga on October 13-15th, 2023. All details will be forthcoming in the August issue of the WARBLER, if not before. So stayed tuned. But in the meantime mark those calendars and plan to attend!!
Plan to attend the Annual Spring Meeting in Nashville…all details below.
2023 TOS State Spring Meeting - Nashville, April 28-30, 2023 We are pleased to announce that the Nashville chapter of TOS will be hosting the Annual Spring TOS State Meeting, April 28-30, 2023. Friday night registration and reception will be held at the conference hotel, The Hampton Inn Ashland City, from 5-7:30 pm. The Saturday afternoon board meeting will be held at Bells Bend Outdoor Center at 4187 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville, 37218 The Hampton Inn Ashland City is located at 1609 Hwy 12 South, Ashland City, 37015. Phone: 615-845-1609 The hotel is reserving a block of rooms for TOS members [...]
Call for Agenda Items for the upcoming Fall TOS BOD Meeting…
The Fall Meeting in Kingsport is right around the corner. If you have any agenda items, please email them to Dr. Michael Collins, President of TOS as soon as possible. and put agenda item in the subject line. Thank you!