Tennessee Ornithological Society Spring Meeting, 2025 The Chattanooga Chapter will host the 2025 TOS Spring Meeting, May 2-4. We at CTOS are eager to share our scenic city and birding hotspots with you! The meeting sites are a short walk apart, and steps from Aquarium Plaza in downtown Chattanooga. Friday evening’s reception will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott Chattanooga Downtown, from 5-8 PM. Registration packets, name badges, and field trip sign-ups will be available during the reception, and also in the morning prior to field trips. Saturday afternoon’s Board of Directors meeting will also take place at the [...]
2025 GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT – February 14-17
The Global Great Backyard Bird Count will take place on February 14- 17, 2025. We invite you to participate at little or as much as you can. For information on how to participate and how to turn in your data, visit https://www.birdcount.org/ Always a fund way to spend a wintry February day or two!
Bird Blitz and Banding Event in Chattanooga with the Lula Trust – October 12th, 2024
What is a bird-blitz? Scientists will often conduct a bird-blitz in an effort to obtain a count of individuals or species for a given area to help determine if the area is meeting conservation demands and identify gaps in areas with critical habitat. They provide a quick snapshot of biodiversity while offering an opportunity for participants to connet with other nature enthusiast, scientific experts, and with the natural world. By hosting a fall migratory bird-blitz at three Lula Lake properties, we will be able to better identify which habitats are critical for both migratory and residential species, and improve conservation [...]
Call for Agenda Items for the FAll BOD Meeting on Saturday, September 28th…
TOS President Michael Collins is requesting any items you would like placed on the agenda for the Fall TOS BOD Meeting be sent to him by Friday, August 30th. Please send to collinsm@rhodes.edu putting ‘agenda item for Fall TOS meeting’ in the subject line. Thank you…
https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/2024/08/12/memphis-man-amateur-bird-watcher-dick-preston/73738859007/ Our most hearty CONGRATULATIONS to long-time member and volunteer Dick Preston on this wonderful article in the Memphis Commerical Appeal today. When you see Dick at the Fall TOS meeting in Memphis let him know you appreciate his contributions to birds and birding!
Colonial Waterbird Survey – We need your help!
David Hanni and Intern Maddy are collecting informaiton on their ongoing Colonial Waterbird Study. If you know of an active Rookery in Tennessee, please send the latitude and longitude of said location to David at TWRA. His address is David.Hanni@tn.gov. The more eyes out there looking the more information we can gather. Thank you!!